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Temporary Oversized Vehicle Parking Permits
Temporary Oversized Vehicle Parking Permits shall be valid for no longer than five (5) consecutive days and are renewable for up to an additional five (5) days. A temporary permit may not be issued at any specific address or to any specific vehicle for more than ten (10) total days in any 90-day period.

For Residents: Residents of the City of Santa Barbara may apply for temporary permits to park an oversized vehicle adjacent to their homes.

To apply for a Parking Restriction Waiver, a permit which allows parking in a specific location on a temporary basis for storage containers, moving vans, construction, or special events, please contact the Public Works Permit Counter at 630 Garden Street at (805) 564-5388. The Downtown Parking office does not issue Parking Restriction Waivers.
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03/28/2025Click to Sign

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Vehicle Registration: (JPEG or PDF) Click Here to Upload