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City of Santa Barbara

735 Anacapa Street, Santa Barbara, CA, 93101, US




2024 Summer FUN Junior Counselor Program

The Parks & Recreation Summer FUN - Junior Counselor Leadership Program is designed for young adults entering the 7th-12th grades for the 2024-2025 academic school year. JCs will have the opportunity to gain community service hours and leadership experience under the guidance of Summer FUN camp staff. JCs are expected to interact with campers, help with activities and special events, and most importantly, serve as a positive role model for younger campers.

Please click "Next" and submit the following application to be considered for one of the Junior Counselor positions. 

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Friday, May 10th by 5:00pm 

*Applications received after this date or incomplete applications will not be considered

*All JC's that submitted their application, MUST attend the interview on Saturday, May 18th, 2024 from 1-3pm at the Carrillo Gym, 102 E. Carrillo St.

*The JC's that are selected to participate will be notified by May 23, 2024.


JC Applicant Information

Full Name

Requirement #1 - Recommendation 

Please upload a minimum of 1 recommendation letter. Multiple letters are recommended and will be taken in to consideration. The letter(s) musts be written by someone other than a family member or friend. Examples can be principals, teachers, coaches, mentors, etc. NOTE: applications will not be accepted without a recommendation letter.   

Upload File(s)

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Reference #1 Full Name

Reference #2 Full Name (Optional)

Requirement #2 - JC Applicant Questionaire 

What grade will you be going into in the 2024-2025 school year?

Did you apply to be a Junior Counselor last year?

After applying and the in-person interview, were you selected to be a Junior Counselor?

Select a Summer Fun site

Please check the box(es) that best describe your strengths:

Have you been a Parks and Recreation Summer FUN Program Junior Counselor before?

Junior Counselors will be expected to attend Summer Fun a minimum of 3 days a week and 1 Staff meeting per week for the duration of the program (June 20 - August 11). Can you and will you agree to this?

Interviews for Junior Counselors are Saturday, May 18 from 1:00pm-3:00pm. Are you available to interview on this date? PLEASE NOTE: If an applicant is not present for the JC interview they will be evaluated solely on their application. The selection process is weighted heavily on staff observations at the interview and attendance at the interview is highly recommended.

By signing below the applicant acknowledges they completed this application by themselves and were truthful with all of their answers. Applicants understand the requirements of the position and are devoted to ensure they meet the requirements. In addition, they will follow the City of Santa Barbara's Code of Conduct at all times. Please check "Yes" if you understand and agree, enter the date of submission and sign below.

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